Chapter Starter Kit

So you’re interested in organizing a chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America? Thank you – and welcome to the League! Once a charter is approved, a new chapter becomes part of a century of national prestige and conservation traditions that form the colorful history of the Izaak Walton League.

This starter kit will take you through the process, from the preliminary stages of organizing a chapter to becoming a full-fledged Izaak Walton League chapter.

Step 1: Organize a New Chapter

Seek at least 10 new members – people interested in conservation and outdoor recreation – and host an organization meeting to form a local chapter of the Izaak Walton League.

Step 2: Apply for a Charter

Prepare and submit required chartering paperwork. After the Izaak Walton League Executive Board reviews and approves submitted paperwork, an official confirmation and a signed chapter charter certificate will be issued to you.

Step 3: Fulfill Chapter Requirements

Upon approval of your charter, your group can begin to function as a chapter of the Izaak Walton League to fulfill your local conservation objectives in support of the League’s mission. Prepare to meet other application and annual reporting requirements.