About Us

Who We Are

Over the past 100 years, the Izaak Walton League of America has been an extraordinary champion and defender of the nation’s soil, air, woods, waters and wildlife. Through member-driven bottom-up governance, we're protecting outdoor America in communities across the country, while working strategically at the national level to win critical conservation battles.

Our Recent Work

Stream with small waterfall

Grid-lock: Growing Demand Strains Our Power System and Climate Goals

As demand for electricity soars and suppliers of renewable sources seek connections to consumers, the transmission system—the grid—is in trouble. We will need a combination of better transmission technology, grid capacity and energy storage to meet growing demand and integrate a greater share of renewable sources into a modern grid.

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Stream with small waterfall

When Salt of the Earth Becomes Salt in the Wound

Excessive use of salt does more harm than good, damaging and corroding our infrastructure, polluting streams and lakes, hurting or killing wildlife, sickening pets and can even release lead and other dangerous metals into our drinking water. Why do we use so much salt - and how can we do better?

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Agriculture Resilience Act

Nitrate Watch Annual Report

The annual report for Nitrate Watch’s second season is available to view. This report summarizes participation and engagement in the program in 2024. We analyze the results reported by volunteers across the United States, and we zoom in on regions reporting a high volume of data.

Read the annual report

Three Things You Can Do Right Now

Stream with small waterfall

National Convention

Plan to join us for the 2025 national convention, July 18-19 in Green Bay, Wisconsin. We'll hear from conservation leaders, vote on League policy, and enjoy time with our fellow Ikes.

Learn more

Agriculture Resilience Act

Advocacy 101: Speak Up For Clean Water

It is important to speak up for the issues we care about, but it can sometimes feel daunting and difficult to get started. Learn from Jessica Gordon, Izaak Walton League of America Grassroots Advocacy Manager, about the importance of advocacy and how you can become an effective advocate for water and the environment.

Register now

Stream with small waterfall

Join Salt Watch

Right now is a great time to join Salt Watch. You can use your Salt Watch kit to monitor waterways you care about. We want to measure water throughout the year, including before, during, and after winter storms.

Get a free Salt Watch kit

Support Our Work

Donate Now to Secure the Future of Conservation!

Stand with us to defend outdoor America's future. Together, we can protect healthy natural resources, pristine landscapes and our outdoor traditions. Your gift will be put to work immediately to continue building on the Izaak Walton League's legacy of conservation leadership.

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League members working on conservation project

Join the League

For more than 100 years, the Izaak Walton League has worked very effectively to achieve practical policies that balance conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. Please help us find common-sense solutions to today's serious environmental problems.

Join the League as a national member to support our conservation and advocacy work.

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League shirts

Get League Gear

League shirts, hats, pins and more are perfect for showing your commitment to conservation while you enjoy outdoor recreation.

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