
  • Calm river - credit Paul Lepisto

    News from the Missouri River Initiative: May 2023

    This month on the Missouri River: an important win, a serious defeat, and lots of other news. Full story
  • Pintail drake taking flight - credit USFWS

    Protecting America's Wetlands: 2023 Farm Bill Must Be a Wetlands Bill

    America’s wetlands provide huge benefits for all of us, but they face a difficult future. Drafting and passing the 2023 Farm Bill in Congress is a big opportunity to restore and protect wetlands that filter polluted runoff, recharge groundwater and provide habitat for fish and wildlife. The League is pushing for critical wins to protect what is left of our vital wetlands. Full story
  • Bridge on the Missouri River - credit Paul Lepisto

    News from the Missouri River Initiative: April 2023

    This month on the Missouri River: we collaborate with partner groups to build a better Farm Bill, look forward to upcoming outdoor events, and submit a slew of comment letters. Full story
  • Aldo Leopold - credit Bob McCabe

    Iconic Ikes: Aldo Leopold

    The Izaak Walton League's first century of conservation success was carried forward by committed heroes working together to defend America's natural resources. During our centennial celebrations, we're sharing their stories. Fifth in our series of iconic Ikes: Aldo Leopold, whose insights and leadership had a profound impact on the League and on conservation history. Full story
  • Missouri River - credit Travel Montana

    Chloride Crisis: My Journey of Learning

    When high school student Marialuna Schreiner Cintrón found out that road salt poisons creeks and waterways, she couldn’t stop thinking: “Who will do something?” Far from being mired in crisis, Marialuna set out to find solutions. The journey led to surprising discoveries about road salt, science, and the power of one person. Full story
  • TA Barron

    The Future of Conservation: The Power of Youth and the Power of Stories

    As the Izaak Walton League begins its second century, we asked experts about the coming challenges and priorities for conservation. T. A. Barron, a conservationist and best-selling writer, gives us three reasons for hope. Full story
  • Glen Canyon dam - credit Anne Phillips, USGS

    Climate Crisis Threatens Every Aspect of American Life, Report Warns

    The latest draft of the National Climate Assessment paints a dire portrait of how life in America has already been impacted by accelerated climate change and how perilous it might become unless urgent action is taken. We summarize seven key takeaways. Full story
  • Deer by snowy road

    Going Off Road: What Happens to Wildlife When Salt Escapes Into the Environment?

    Road salt is highly effective at helping humans travel more safely in the winter. But it can also cause animals to stop dead in their tracks – literally. We explain what you can do in your own driveway to prevent the harmful side effects of salt from cascading across entire ecosystems. Full story
  • Snow on the river - credit Paul Lepisto

    News from the Missouri River Initiative: February 2023

    This month on the Missouri River: severe winter weather could affect fishing in the region's lakes for years to come, the Army Corps contemplates the possibility of a catastrophic dam failure, and our South Dakota Division explains why wetland mitigation is a conservation strategy of last resort. Full story
  • Tom Vilsack - credit Christopher Paul, USDA

    USDA Rolls out Climate-Smart Ag Funds

    Last summer, Congress provided $19.5 billion for USDA conservation programs to help farmers and ranchers adopt climate-smart farming practices. Now, USDA is beginning to announce how those funds will be used. Full story

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