Clean Water Corner

Water quality, stream monitoring, community scientists, and more topics related to clean water in America.

  • Anacostia River pollution_credit Chesapeake Bay Prog

    A Forgotten River

    Rivers were a source of water, habitat, and transportation during the country’s beginnings, but expanding populations and land use decisions caused harmed. But that was in the past, and times are beginning to change. Full story
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    The Power of Partnerships

    The Clean Water Challenge is more than a single event – it is a campaign to connect with community partners, cultivate new relationships, and strengthen our national network of community scientists and advocates. Full story
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    Fishing and Clean Water: What We Can Learn From Our Founding Ikes

    Our waters may not be as pristine as they once were, but the fish are always biting. Who do I have to thank for these bountiful fish populations? Well, in part I owe thanks to our founding Ikes. Full story
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    Tracking Salt Levels in Our Streams

    Something most people probably aren’t thinking about during these deep freezes is the threats posed to water quality and stream health. Every stream or river located near a roadway is at risk for chloride concentration increases due to road salts. Full story
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    Updates on Winter Stream Stewardship Projects

    Stream stewardship does not stop with cold weather! There are many ways you can monitor water health and help your community, including Winter Salt Watch and Stream Selfies! Full story
  • Winter stream monitoring

    Diving in with Winter Monitoring

    My very first volunteer stream monitoring experience was in the peak of winter with a group of extremely dedicated volunteers. How bad could it be? Famous last question! Full story
  • Boy shoveling snow. Credit David Gutierrez.

    Alternatives to Road Salts for Safe Winter Driving

    We haven’t found the perfect solution for reducing snow and ice on roadways while also protecting natural resources. However, several techniques reduce impacts on the environment and reuse materials that would otherwise go into landfills and water treatment plants. Full story
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    Dirt Doesn’t Hurt: Why Children Need Outdoor Exploration

    Stream monitoring is the perfect way to introduce children to outdoor exploration and environmental stewardship. And playing in a stream can exposure them to microbes or "germs" that can be vital to strengthening immune systems. Full story
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    Three Steps to Water Quality Monitoring

    The health of small streams such as Cabin Branch – and there are many such streams in the Potomac River watershed – have a large impact on the rivers into which they flow. That’s why it is important to test water quality in every stream. Full story
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    Turn World Water Monitoring Day into Water Monitoring for a Lifetime

    As I packed my car with stream monitoring equipment for a new training workshop, it got me thinking about the connections between clean water and outdoor recreation. I wondered: why is there only one World Water Monitoring Day when we should be monitoring water quality all year long? Full story

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