About Us

Who We Are

Over the past 100 years, the Izaak Walton League of America has been an extraordinary champion and defender of the nation’s soil, air, woods, waters and wildlife. Through member-driven bottom-up governance, we're protecting outdoor America in communities across the country, while working strategically at the national level to win critical conservation battles.

Our Recent Work

Stream with small waterfall

News from the Missouri River Initiative: June 2024

This month on the Missouri River: extreme flooding affects the basin, families enjoy outdoor events, and the League prepares for a river cleanup.

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Stream with small waterfall

Seeking the Source: What Could Be Causing Salt Pollution in the Spring?

When waterways are polluted with salt in the winter, it’s usually obvious where the problem is coming from: excessive use of de-icers on roadways and parking lots. When volunteers continue finding chloride contamination in the spring, they have to do more detective work. Our clean water advocates in Cleveland are continuing to see toxic levels of salt as the weather warms, and we’re investigating why.

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Agriculture Resilience Act

Clean Water Corner: Nitrate Pollution, Fish Kills, Cancer: Connecting the Dots

It's obvious that there is a connection between our land use, the amount of nitrate pollution in our waterways, and ultimately the health and safety of our communities. We need more water quality first responders - volunteers armed with test kits to help locate and document hotspots of nitrate pollution.

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Three Things You Can Do Right Now

Stream with small waterfall

Celebrate the Upper Mississippi Refuge Anniversary

The modern conservation movement was kick-started in 1924 when Will Dilg, the first president of the Izaak Walton League, created a campaign to save fish and wildlife habitat along nearly 300 miles of the Upper Mississippi River. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of what would become the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, performer Steven Marking created a film, “A Visit from Will Dilg."

Learn about film screening opportunities

Agriculture Resilience Act

Strategies To Reduce Nutrient Pollution

Nutrient pollution in surface water and groundwater is a huge issue, but there are practices that are proven to help. Dr. Lindsay Pease, University of Minnesota Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in Nutrient and Water Management, will take us on a tour of the strategies that farmers and landowners use to reduce nutrient loss. We’ll learn how these in-field and edge-of-field practices work and discuss some of the challenges and benefits associated with them.

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Stream with small waterfall

Join Nitrate Watch

Our Nitrate Watch program is proving the importance of participatory science. Join the growing number of volunteers across the country who are working to address this water pollution problem and public health hazard.

Get your free test kit

Support Our Work

Donate Now to Secure the Future of Conservation!

Stand with us to defend outdoor America's future. Together, we can protect healthy natural resources, pristine landscapes and our outdoor traditions. Your gift will be put to work immediately to continue building on the Izaak Walton League's legacy of conservation leadership.

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League members working on conservation project

Join the League

For more than 100 years, the Izaak Walton League has worked very effectively to achieve practical policies that balance conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. Please help us find common-sense solutions to today's serious environmental problems.

Join the League as a national member to support our conservation and advocacy work.

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Family of ducks

Support the Clean Water Act of 2023!

The Clean Water Act of 2023 would ensure that wetlands and streams are protected water resources. It would also reaffirm our nation's commitment to safeguarding water quality. Urge Congress to support H.R. 5983 today!

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