Stream Monitoring

The Izaak Walton League’s Save Our Streams program is the only nationwide program training volunteers to protect waterways from pollution and bring information about water quality to their communities.

The program began in 1969, when water pollution problems were easy to see – like massive oil spills and burning rivers. Early Save Our Streams volunteers cleaned up trash from their local waterways and reported problems like streams becoming clogged with silt.

In the 1980s, the League recognized that with the right training, volunteers could collect scientifically valid data to assess water quality in local streams – a conviction that has proven true. Ever since, the League has been teaching volunteers to study stream health and report their findings to decision-makers.

Today, trained volunteer stream monitors across the country are uncovering pollution problems and urging their local leaders to take action on water quality. The work of these volunteers also creates a critical record of water quality over time, making it possible to quickly identify pollution problems that develop in the future.

Anybody can get trained as a volunteer stream monitor – and anybody can collect valuable data about the health of their local stream with no training at all. How will you help to Save Our Streams?


Clean Water Hub

Learn About Local Water Quality

Are streams safe in your community? Is anybody checking? Find out in the Clean Water Hub, a first-of-its-kind resource for information about water quality across America.

Start now

Clean Water Hub


Salt Watch

Become a Salt Watcher

With our easy-to-use and FREE test kits, you can “dip and discover” to find out whether your local stream has become polluted by excessive use of road salt.

Start now

Salt Watch


Nitrate Watch

Become a Nitrate Watcher

This simple volunteer science project will help you see whether nitrate is polluting your waterways and creating health risks in your community. Get a FREE test kit and all the materials you need to take action against nitrate pollution.

Start now

Nitrate Watch


Chemical monitoring

Check the Chemistry

Spend 30 minutes at your favorite waterway with a handful of materials and our downloadable instruction sheet. Leave knowing what’s in your water.

Start now

Chemical monitoring


Creek Critters

Survey Creek Critters

A healthy stream is filled with a fascinating web of life. Look closely at your neighborhood stream and match what you see to the pictures in our app. The number and variety of creatures you find tells you how clean the water is!

Start now

Creek Critters


Macroinvertebrate monitoring

Monitor Macros

With one day of training, you can become a certified Save Our Streams monitor. Learn to identify aquatic macroinvertebrates (“stream bugs”), assess stream habitat, report your findings to decision-makers, and take action for better water quality!

Start now

Not sure macro monitoring is for you? Try it out with our 10-minute mini-training.

Macroinvertebrate monitoring

Save Our Streams is a registered trademark of the Izaak Walton League of America.